Hello friend, In every day of our life we are doing so many types of work and we also wants to know the more and more things about our surrounding either social or in science & technology. when we are sitting alone and seeing our vast universe with our nacked eyes, then their was a question always comes in our minds that who create this vast universe.In early ages all people thinks that this whole vast universe that we are seeing is made by the "God".In differnets religion the people says that his religious god create the universe for example- In Muslim, The people says that the whole vast universe was created by the "Allah" and in other sides in hindu, people says that our mysterious universe was created by god "Rama" and as like their was so many religious and their own religious god created the universe.
But in later centuries when we are rapidly developed in region of science & technology, our scientist put so many theories for the origin of universe.
So, Today we are going to know in short about the popular theories for the begining of universe:-)
Astronomer believe that the Universe came into being about 13.7billion years ago, in an explosion know as the big bang. In an instant,space and the building blocks of matter were created, and tine began. From that momemt, the universe began to expand, and continues to expand today. Over billions of year, matter formed into large, complex structure that continue to evolve.
Steady-state theory, in cosmology, a view that the the universe is always expanding but maintaining a constant average density, with matter being continuosly created to form new star and galaxies at the same rate that the old ones become unobservable as a consequence of their increasing distance and velocity of recession. A steady state universehas no begining or end in time, and form any point within it the view on the grand scale-i.e., the average density and arrangement of galaxies-is the same. Galaxies of all possible ages are intermingled.
"Thank you"
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